Saturday 09. March HUMAN

Sat.09. Mar HUMAN

HUMAN - Room 2

Human: Objekt + Skee Mask + CCL + Pépe Live A/V + Lanav b2b Yozy Experimental Set

door opening: 22:00 H
advance: 16 € (gastos incluidos)
Drink included entering before 11:00 p.m.



22:00 Puertas

22:30 Lanav b2b Yozy Experimental Set

23:30 Pépe Live A/V

0:15 CCL

2:00 Objekt

4:00 Skee Mask


Skee Mask




YOZY is a DJ and producer based in Barcelona, her sets are as eclectic and energetic as her productions, not focused on one particular genre she goes all the way from latin slow rythms to speed techno and trance.

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