Saturday 20. July LA 1

Sat.20. Jul LA 1

Pop Bar - Room 4

Carlos Bayona DJ + Jon & Monique

door opening: 1:00 H (Sunday morning)
ticket office: 20 €
advance: 17 € (fee included)
Free long drink or 2 beers/soft drinks with your tickets.

Carlos Bayona DJ

Carlos Garcia Bayona, also known as Carlos Bayona DJ, Monosexy DJ, or MNSXY DJ, likes to define himself as a pop and electronica freak. His main influence is pop music from The Beatles or Depeche Mode to instant pop of the 80s. Through his twin brother, the film director Juan Antonio Bayona, he is also passionate about film soundtracks.

He's currently resident DJ at Razzmatazz BCN, the most important indie club from Barcelona over the last decade. 

He also produce music for other artists like OBK, Love of Lesbian or Delafé and has been involved in music projects such as Lorena C or currently Oblique & Carlos Bayona. 

Jon & Monique

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