Saturday 05. April RAZZCLUB

Sat.05. Apr RAZZCLUB

Human - Room 5 - Room 5

M.U.S.A.: The Dexorcist + Tunik + Ed Warner

door opening: 1:00 H (Sunday morning)
ticket office: 22 €
advance: 18 € (first release)
Free long drink or 2 beers/soft drinks with your tickets.

The Dexorcist

DEXORCIST was brought up on 80's Electro, Hip Hop and Miami Bass, graduating to Acid House, Bleeps, Techno and beyond. Heavily influenced by the legendary RIP parties at Clink street and other warehouse events around London's then shady east end wastelands. During the early 90's he helped form the excellently named FEAR TEACHERS sound system, which morphed through various incarnations including KDU, before ending up as the also brilliantly named DEAD SILENCE SYNDICATE. An electro producer with a long string of quality releases and remixes on labels such as Battle Trax, SMB, Fuel, not forgetting the label he co-ran with Keith Tenniswood; CONTROL TOWER.


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