Sunday 05. January La Troupê

Sun.05. Jan La Troupê

La Troupê - Room 1

La Prohibida + La Terremoto de Alcorcón + Kika Lorace. Djs: Albertoto + Chica B + Ferdiyei + Los Pinchaores + Muerta Sánchez Animación y hosting: Amanda La Marcos + Eulalia Quin + 50 sombras + Missla Blank

door opening: 23:59 H
advance: 15 € (fee included)
Free long drink or 2 beers/soft drinks with your tickets.


La Troupê is a party for LGTBIQ+ people and reserves the right of admission in the event to anyone who does not guarantee a safe space for attendees. No sexist or LGTBIQphobic attitude will be tolerated at this or any other Sala Razzmatazz event.

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