divendres 18. abril Concert - Sala 1

div.18. abr Concert - Sala 1

Sala 1


obertura de portes: 18:00 H
inici concert: 19:30 H
anticipades: 50 € + despeses
Punts de venda: https://ticketshop.store
Contacte promotor: [email protected]

Krovostok for the first time in Barcelona: legends of Russian-speaking rap on the Razzmatazz stage.

On April 18 a unique event will take place in Barcelona. For 20 years of existence the band has created not just a musical group, but a phenomenon that has formed a whole layer of post-Soviet cultural DNA.

Krovostok is a grotesque gangsta-rap, saturated with dark plots, where each track sounds like a sharp cinematic statement. Their poems are a manifesto of a marginalized world that evokes contradictory emotions: from pain to admiration. But one thing is for sure - their concert is not to be missed.


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